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One of the negative connotations associated with colon hydrotherapy is the idea that it strips all the good bacteria from your gut. This is false.! It’s simply not possible to wash out two kilos of bacteria that are largely located in the mucus membrane of the colon.

We have long been aware that health and also disease start in your gut. If you have a compromised or compacted evacuation system then you could have an issue. This is where colonics can help address this.

We were never designed to eat three meals a day, with snacks and the amount of sugar and processed foods that are now in our diets.  Our digestive systems are overloaded and many modern illnesses are lifestyle related.  Prevention is key and people should spend more time and money on health habits and enhancers.

Your entire body is linked to the gut. Every system has a link back to your intestine and what happens on the inside is reflected on the outside. Since our digestive system is closely linked with the rest of the body’s functions, colon therapy can also support symptoms such as headaches, allergies, acne and improve mental and physical sluggishness.

Call NOW to book your special offer of 2 sessions for just £80 ( Normal cost per session £60 )

07470 348 093

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