by Joanna Mclean | Mar 30, 2016 | Colonics, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized, Weight Management
18 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT COLONIC HYDROTHERAPY, BUT NEVER KNEW WHO TO ASK……. The Colon suffers more abuse from modern dietary habits then any other organ. Think of your colon as the waste management section of your body. All...
by Joanna Mclean | Mar 30, 2016 | Colonics, Health Issues, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized, Weight Management
Ghosts and ghouls and apparently clowns now are scary…. HOWEVER, colonic therapy shouldn’t be!!! 18 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT COLONIC HYDROTHERAPY, BUT NEVER KNEW WHO TO ASK……. The Colon suffers more abuse from modern dietary habits...
by Joanna Mclean | Mar 21, 2016 | Colonics, Diet, Health Issues, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized
The 7-day detox plan Detoxing can do more than make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow – it can boost energy levels, improve digestion and help shift a few unwanted kilos too. While it may look like a fad diet – no grains, no alcohol, no milk, no sugar (and no fun)...
by Joanna Mclean | Feb 23, 2016 | beauty, Celebrity, Health Issues, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized
Here at THE CLEANSE we have always been aware of the benefits of probiotics – big big news in the world of digestion! We always offer a top grade probiotic drink immediately after a colonic therapy session. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts...
by Joanna Mclean | Feb 11, 2016 | beauty, Colonics, Diet, Health Issues, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized
Kim Khardashian is famous for two things… Her ample backside which has a fan base all of its own and her love of a full made up face. She really is the ultimate glamour puss. You won’t catch our Kimmy running out to the shops with last nights mascara...
by thecleanse | Feb 11, 2016 | Colonics, Diet, Health Issues, Lifestyle, News, Uncategorized
Feeling BLOATED?…. There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated and uncomfortable, but with causes being different for each individual, its often difficult to find one solution that works for all. Colonic Hydrotherapy however, really seems to help...